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Lecture Notes

01 Overview

  1. Sign-Magnitude:

  2. Positive Numbers: The most significant bit (MSB) is the sign bit (0 for positive).

  3. Negative Numbers: The sign bit is 1, and the remaining bits represent the magnitude of the negative number.


  • +6 is represented as 0 0110 (sign bit 0, magnitude 6).
  • -6 is represented as 1 0110 (sign bit 1, magnitude 6).

  • One's Complement:

  • Positive Numbers: Same as unsigned binary representation.

  • Negative Numbers: To represent a negative number, invert (flip) all the bits.


  • +6 is represented as 0 0110.
  • -6 is represented as 1 1001 (inverting all bits of 0 0110).

  • Two's Complement:

  • Positive Numbers: Same as unsigned binary representation.

  • Negative Numbers: To represent a negative number, invert all bits and add 1.


  • +6 is represented as 0 0110.
  • -6 is represented as 1 1010 (inverting all bits of 0 0110 and adding 1).

  • Integer overflow:

    (lldb) print 40000 * 40000
    (int) 1600000000
    (lldb) print 50000 * 50000
    (int) -1794967296
    01101010111111010000011100000000 (1794967296)
    bin(int(invert_bits(np.binary_repr(1794967296)[1:]), 2)+1)
    10010101000000101111100100000000 (50000 * 50000)

    In a 32-bit system:

    \[ \begin{align*} 50000 * 50000 &= 2,500,000,000 \\ 2^{31} - 1 &= 2,147,483,647 \\ 2,500,000,000 &> 2,147,483,647 \\ \end{align*} \]
  • Integer arithmetic is commutative and associative.

    (lldb) print 400 * 500 * 600
    (int) 120000000
    (lldb) print 300 * 400 * 500 * 600
    (int) 1640261632
    (lldb) print 400 * 500 * 600 * 300
    (int) 1640261632
  • Limitations of floating-point arithmetic:

>>> (1e20 + -1e20) + 3.14
>>> 1e20 + (-1e20 + 3.14)
>>> -1e20 + 3.14

02 Bits, Bytes and Integer

Bit-level Manipulations

a = 0110 10011的位数{0,3,5,6}

b = 0101 01011的位数{0,2,4,6}

  1. & bitwise and 相当于 intersection,ab 的交集为{0,6}0100 0001
  2. | bitwise or 相当于 union,ab 的并集为{0,2,3,4,5,6}0111 1101
  3. ^ bitwise x-or 相当于 symmetric difference,ab 取不同的值{2,3,4,5}0011 1100
  4. ~ bitwise not 相当于 complement,b 的补集为{1,3,5,7}1010 1010

c = 1010 0010

  1. Left shift 不区分 Logical 还是 Arithmetic,c << 3 = 0001 0000
  2. Right shift 区分
    • Logical: Fill with 0’s on left,自左边填充 0,c Log. >> 2 = 0010 1000
    • Arithmetic: Replicate most significant bit on left,以符号位的数字填充,c Arith. >> 2 = 1110 1000

C Programming:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  unsigned char a = 0b01101001;
  unsigned char b = 0b01010101;
  char c = 0b10100010;
  unsigned char tmp;
  printf("a & b = 0x%x\n", a & b);
  printf("a | b = 0x%x\n", a | b);
  printf("a ^ b = 0x%x\n", a ^ b);
  tmp = ~b;
  printf("~b = 0x%x\n", tmp);
  tmp = c << 3;
  printf("c << 3 = 0x%x\n", tmp);
  tmp = (unsigned char)c >> 2;
  printf("c Log. >> 2 = 0x%x\n", tmp);
  tmp = c >> 2;
  printf("c Arith. >> 2 = 0x%x\n", tmp);
  return 0;

/* a & b = 0x41
 * a | b = 0x7d
 * a ^ b = 0x3c
 * ~b = 0xaa
 * c << 3 = 0x10
 * c Log. >> 2 = 0x28
 * c Arith. >> 2 = 0xe8 */
  1. C 语言,无符号类型移位都是 Logical,其他移位都是 Arithmetic

  2. Python 中,右移都是 Arithmetic,负数的bin, oct, hex显示的是负的原码,实际存储用的依然是补码,如果想直接打印负数n的补码,使用hex(n & 0xff...f),其中0xff...f为 word size

    >>> bin(3), bin(-3), hex(3), hex(-3), hex(-3 & 0xffffffff)
    ('0b11', '-0b11', '0x3', '-0x3', '0xfffffffd')
  3. Java 中,Logical 右移>>,Arithmetic 右移>>>

Numeric Ranges

w表示 word size 位数、字长

  1. Unsigned Values

    • \(UMin=0\) 000...0

    • \(Umax=2^w-1\) 111...1

  2. Two's Complement Values

    • \(TMin=-2^w-1\) 100...0

    • \(TMax=2^{w-1}-1\) 011...1

  3. T2B: Two's complement to Bits, U2B: Unsigned to Bits, B2U, B2T, T2U, U2T

  4. For \(w=16\),

    • \(UMax=65535=0xFFFF\)

    • \(TMax=32767=0x7FFF\)

    • \(TMin=-32768=0x8000\)

    • \(-1=0xFFFF\)

  5. 在 Linux 系统中,数值范围存储在/usr/include/limits.h中:

     cat /usr/include/limits.h | grep 'LONG_MAX\|LONG_MIN'
    #   define LONG_MAX     9223372036854775807L
    #   define LONG_MAX     2147483647L
    #  define LONG_MIN      (-LONG_MAX - 1L)
    #   define ULONG_MAX    18446744073709551615UL
    #   define ULONG_MAX    4294967295UL
    #   define LLONG_MAX    9223372036854775807LL
    #   define LLONG_MIN    (-LLONG_MAX - 1LL)
    #   define ULLONG_MAX   18446744073709551615ULL
    /* The <limits.h> files in some gcc versions don't define LLONG_MIN,
      LLONG_MAX, and ULLONG_MAX.  Instead only the values gcc defined for
    # ifndef LLONG_MIN
    #  define LLONG_MIN     (-LLONG_MAX-1)
    # ifndef LLONG_MAX
    #  define LLONG_MAX     __LONG_LONG_MAX__
    # ifndef ULLONG_MAX
    #  define ULLONG_MAX    (LLONG_MAX * 2ULL + 1)

Conversion, casting

C 语言中,unsigned 和 signed 进行比较时,会自动将 signed 转化为 unsigned。在任何地方出现 unsigned 变量,关于它所有的运算都会变成 unsigned。

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int a = -1;
  unsigned int b = 0U;
  printf("%d > %uU = %d\n", a, b, a > b);
  /* a = (1 << 31) - 1; produce overflow warning */
  a = 2147483647;
  b = 1 << 31;
  printf("(int)%uU = %d\n", b, (int)b);
  printf("%d > (int)%uU = %d\n", a, b, a > (int)b);
  return 0;

/* -1 > 0U = 1
 * (int)2147483648U = -2147483648
 * 2147483647 > (int)2147483648U = 1 */


  • unsigned i; for (i = n; i >= 0; i--) i always greater than or equal to 0

  • int i; for (i = n; i-sizeof(int) >= 0; i--) sizeof() return a unsigned value

Sign Extension

MSB (Most Significant Bit) 最高有效位,二进制中代表最高值的比特位,这一位对数值的影响最大。LSB (Least Significant Bit) 最低有效位,二进制中代表最低值的比特位。

  1. Task:

    • Given w bit signed integer x

    • Convert it to w+k bit integer with same value

  2. Rule:

    • Make k copies of sign bit:

    • \(X'=X_{w-1},\dots,X_{w-1},X_{w-1},X_{w-2},\dots,X_{0}\)

    • where \(X_{w-1}\dots X_{w-1},X_{w-1}\) are k copies of MSB

Add, multiplication, shifting, negation

  1. Add

    • Unsigned: \(UAdd_w(u,v)=u+v\ mod\ 2^w\)

    • Two's Complement: \(u+v\geq2^{w-1}\) positive overflow, sum becomes negative. \(u+v\lt-2^{w-1}\) negative overflow, sum becomes positive.

      negative overflow: char a = -128 - 1 = 127
      positive overflow: unsigned char b = 255 + 1 = 0
  2. Multiplication

    • Unsigned: \(UMult_w(u,v)=u\cdot v\ mod\ 2^w\)

    • Two's Complement: Ignore high order w bits

  3. Shift: \(u<<k=u\cdot 2^k\), \(u>>k=\lfloor{u/2^k}\rfloor\)

  4. Negation: 对于以 Two's Complement 存储的整数n,当\(TMin<x\leq TMax\),如果需要 negate 取负值,只需要~n+1,即取反加 1

    int c = 2147483647;
    -c = ~(c) + 1 = -2147483647
    int c = -2147483648;
    -c = -2147483648
    ~(c) + 1 = -2147483648
