Useful dictionaries:
Computer Science¶
- Signed number representations:
- Sign-magnitude 原码
- One's complement 反码
- Two's complement 补码
- Arithematic property:
- Commutative 交换律
- Associative 结合律
- Distributive 分配律
- Function property:
- Monotonic 单调
- Asymptotic 渐进的,asymptotic complexity 渐进复杂度
- Pernicious 有害的
- 键盘符号英文 博客园
- Tilde
, Underscore_
, Dash/minus-
- Colon
, Semicolon;
- Slash
, Backslash\
- Asterisk
, Sharp/Hash#
, Caret^
- Brace
, Bracket[]
, Parenthesis()
- Tilde
: Minus ten to the twentieth2^10
: Two to the tenth18 mod 16 = 2
: 18 modules of 16 is 2
Under the hood
- 在某物的内部工作过程
- If you want to know how this office works, you need to look under the hood at the real workers.
- Hood: 衣服上的兜帽;汽车引擎盖
- Hoody: 套头衫;卫衣