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Big Data


  1. Data Analysis with Python and PySpark, ISBN: 9781617297205


  1. RDD
    • Resilient Distributed Dataset
    • 不可变的分布式对象集合
    • After Spark 2.0, RDDs are replaced by Dataset, which is strongly-typed like an RDD, but with richer optimizations under the hood. We highly recommend you to switch to use Dataset, which has better performance than RDD.
  2. Hadoop 三个组成部分
    • MapReduce: 分布式运算程序的编程框架
    • HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System,Hadoop 分布式文件系统
    • YARN: Yet Another Resource Negotiator,资源调度平台
  3. ETL
    • Extract-Transform-Load
    • 是一个数据流 pipeline 的控制技术
    • 是将大量的原始数据经过提取 extract、转换 transform、加载 load 到目标存储数据仓库的过程
  4. Data Lakes 数据湖,Big Data Warehouse 大数据仓库
  5. UDF: User Defined Functions,PySpark 自定义函数
  6. REPL: Python解释器的交互式模式
    • Read: 读取用户输入
    • Eval: 执行输入内容
    • Print: 执行输入内容
    • Loop: 执行输入内容
  7. 文件格式
    • CSV: Comma Separated Values 逗号分隔值
    • JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
    • ORC: Optimized Row Columnar
    • Parquet: Column-oriented data file format

Spark & PySpark


  1. Spark is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. 用于大规模数据处理的统一分析引擎
  2. Scaling out instead of scaling up. 将数据 split 到2个中型计算机,而不是使用1个大型计算机
  3. Spark itself is coded in Scala. Python codes have to be translated to and from JVM instructions.
  4. 代替 Hadoop 中的 MapReduce 框架

Data Factory:

Data factory

  1. 在 Spark cluster 中每个 workbench / computer 会分配一些 workers / executors
  2. 这些 workers / executors 中有一个 master,对程序的效率很重要

Spark 算子 / RDD Operations 可以被归为2类:

  1. Actions (IO)

    • via the show and write methods

    • Printing information on the screen

    • Writing data to a hard drive or cloud bucket

  2. Transformations (Lazy)

    • Adding a column to a table
    • Performing an aggregation according to certain keys
    • Computing summary statistics on a data set
    • Training a Machine Learning model on some data
  3. Lazy computation model, will take this to the extreme and will avoid performing data work until an action triggers the computation chain. 所有的 Transformations 都是 Lazy 操作,只记录需要进行的转换,并不会马上执行,只有遇到 Actions 操作时才会真正启动计算过程并进行计算。

  4. Reading data, although clearly being I/O, is considered a transformation by Spark.


  1. Install: brew install openjdk@17 apache-spark
  2. Launch the PySpark shell in IPython: PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=ipython pyspark
  3. Spark’s primary abstraction is a distributed collection of items called a Dataset. Datasets can be created from Hadoop InputFormats (such as HDFS files) or by transforming other Datasets. All Datasets in Python are Dataset[Row], and we call it DataFrame.
  4. Caching: Spark also supports pulling data sets into a cluster-wide in-memory cache. This is very useful when data is accessed repeatedly, such as when querying a small “hot” dataset or when running an iterative algorithm like PageRank.

Cluster Manager

Cluster Mode Overview:

Cluster Overview

Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on a cluster, coordinated by the SparkContext object in your main program (called the driver program).


  1. 在 cluster 上运行时,SparkContext 可以连接到不同类型的 cluster managers

    • Cluster Manager 类型:

      • Standalone: Spark’s own standalone cluster manager
      • Apache Mesos: Deprecated
      • Hadoop YARN: The resource manager in Hadoop 3
      • Kubernetes: An open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications
    • Cluster Manager 作用:Allocate resources across applications

    • Deploy mode:

      • In "cluster" mode, the framework launches the driver inside of the cluster.

        应用 Driver Program 运行在提交应用 Client 主机上(启动 JVM Process 进程)、

        Client mode

      • In "client" mode, the submitter launches the driver outside of the cluster.

        应用Driver Program运行在集群从节点 Worker 某台机器上

        Cluster mode

  2. 建立连接后,Spark 会获取 executors

    • Executors 在 cluster 里的 worker nodes 当中
    • Executors are processes that run computations and store data for your application.
    • Each application gets its own executor processes.
  3. SparkContext 将应用程序代码 (JAR or Python files) 发送给 executors

  4. SparkContexttask 发送给 executors 运行

    • Each job gets divided into smaller sets of tasks called stages that depend on each other (similar to the map and reduce stages in MapReduce).


RDD Programming Guide:

Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) is a fault-tolerant collection of elements partitioned across the nodes of the cluster, and can be operated on in parallel.

  1. RDDs are created by starting with a file in the Hadoop file system (or any other Hadoop-supported file system), or an existing Scala collection in the driver program, and transforming it.
  2. Users may also ask Spark to persist an RDD in memory, allowing it to be reused efficiently across parallel operations.
  3. Finally, RDDs automatically recover from node failures.

Parallelized Collections:

  1. Created by calling SparkContext’s parallelize method on an existing iterable or collection in your driver program. We can call distData.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b) to add up the elements of the list.

    In [4]: sc = spark.sparkContext
    In [6]: data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    In [7]: distData = sc.parallelize(data)
    In [8]: distData
    Out[8]: ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at readRDDFromFile at PythonRDD.scala:289
    In [9]: distData.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b)
    Out[9]: 15
    In [10]: distData.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b)
    Out[10]: 120
  2. Spark will run one task for each partition of the cluster. Typically you want 2-4 partitions for each CPU in your cluster.

  3. Normally, Spark tries to set the number of partitions automatically based on your cluster. However, you can also set it manually by passing it as a second parameter to parallelize (e.g. sc.parallelize(data, 10)).

Shared Variables:

Spark supports two types of shared variables that can be used in parallel operations.

  1. Broadcast variables can be used to cache a read-only value in memory on all nodes.
  2. Accumulators are variables that are only “added” to, such as counters and sums.

Spark SQL

Spark SQL, DataFrames and Datasets Guide:


  1. Example:
  2. Submitting applications (spark-submit)


Web UI:

Monitoring and Instrumentation:

PySpark API



The entry point to programming Spark with the Dataset and DataFrame API. A SparkSession can be used to create DataFrame, register DataFrame as tables, execute SQL over tables, cache tables, and read parquet files. To create a Spark session, you should use SparkSession.builder attribute.

In [1]: from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

In [2]: spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
24/01/29 16:19:10 WARN Utils: Your hostname, mbp.local resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface en0)
24/01/29 16:19:10 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
24/01/29 16:19:40 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable

SparkSession is a super-set of SparkContext. It wraps the SparkContext and provides functionality for interacting with SparkContext data in a distributed fashion. 注意这里 spark.sparkContext 是小写字母

In [3]: spark.sparkContext
Out[3]: <SparkContext master=local[*] appName=pyspark-shell>
  1. 设置日志等级:SparkContext.setLogLevel(logLevel: str) → None,默认 WARN

    Log level

  2. Eager Evaluation: when you want your data frames to be evaluated after each transformation.

  3. Reading data into a data frame is done through DataFrameReader the object, which we can access through

    In [12]:
    Out[12]: <pyspark.sql.readwriter.DataFrameReader at 0x1074cb810>
    In [13]: print(dir(
    ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_df', '_jreader', '_set_opts', '_spark', 'csv', 'format', 'jdbc', 'json', 'load', 'option', 'options', 'orc', 'parquet', 'schema', 'table', 'text']



A distributed collection of data grouped into named columns. In the RDD, each record is processed independently. With the data frame, we work with its columns, performing functions on them.


  1. printSchema(level: Optional[int] = None) → None

    Prints out the schema in the tree format. Optionally allows to specify how many levels to print if schema is nested.

    In [15]: df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, (2,2))], ["a", "b"])
    In [16]: df.printSchema(2)
     |-- a: long (nullable = true)
     |-- b: struct (nullable = true)
     |    |-- _1: long (nullable = true)
     |    |-- _2: long (nullable = true)
  2. show(n: int = 20, truncate: Union[bool, int] = True, vertical: bool = False) → None

    Prints the first n rows to the console.

    In [23]: df = spark.createDataFrame([
        ...:     (14, "Tom"), (23, "Alice"), (16, "Bob")], ["age", "name"])
    In [24]:, truncate=3)
    | 14| Tom|
    | 23| Ali|
    only showing top 2 rows
  3. select(*cols: ColumnOrName) → DataFrame

    Projects a set of expressions and returns a new DataFrame.

    [ins] In [15]: df = spark.createDataFrame([
              ...:     (2, "Alice"), (5, "Bob")], schema=["age", "name"])
    [ins] In [16]:, (df.age + 10).alias('age')).show()
    | name|age|
    |Alice| 12|
    |  Bob| 15|



A column in a DataFrame.

  1. alias(*alias: str, **kwargs: Any) → pyspark.sql.column.Column

    When performing transformation on your columns, PySpark will give a default name to the resulting column.

    [ins] In [35]: sf.split(sf.col("value"), " ")
    Out[35]: Column<'split(value,  , -1)'>
    [ins] In [36]: sf.split(sf.col("value"), " ").alias("words")
    Out[36]: Column<'split(value,  , -1) AS words'>


import pyspark.sql.functions as sf


PySpark uses a translation layer to call JVM functions for its core functions. From Spark 3.5:

Invoke JVM

  1. col(col: str) → pyspark.sql.column.Column

    Returns a Column based on the given column name.

  2. split(str: ColumnOrName, pattern: str, limit: int = - 1) → pyspark.sql.column.Column

    Splits str around matches of the given pattern. The regex string should be a Java regular expression.

  3. explode(col: ColumnOrName) → pyspark.sql.column.Column


    Returns a new row for each element in the given array or map. Uses the default column name col for elements in the array and key and value for elements in the map unless specified otherwise.

    [ins] In [54]: from pyspark.sql import Row
    [ins] In [55]: row = Row(a=1, intlist=[1,2,3], mapfield={"a": "b"})
    [ins] In [56]: df = spark.createDataFrame([row, row])
    [ins] In [57]:
    |  a|  intlist|mapfield|
    |  1|[1, 2, 3]|{a -> b}|
    |  1|[1, 2, 3]|{a -> b}|
    [ins] In [58]:'intlist')).show()
    |  1|
    |  2|
    |  3|
    |  1|
    |  2|
    |  3|
    [ins] In [59]:'mapfield')).show()
    |  a|    b|
    |  a|    b|


Common HiveQL


  1. HiveQL Data Definition Language (DDL) HiveQL 语法

  2. Hive Operators 运算符

    • A <> B: NULL if A or B is NULL, TRUE if expression A is NOT equal to expression B, otherwise FALSE.
  3. Hive Data Types 数据类型

  4. Managed vs. External Tables 内部表和外部表的区别

  5. Hive Operators and User-Defined Functions (UDFs)

    • regexp_replace(string INITIAL_STRING, string PATTERN, string REPLACEMENT)
    • substr(string|binary A, int start)
    • md5(string/binary)
      • Calculates an MD5 128-bit checksum for the string or binary (as of Hive 1.3.0). The value is returned as a string of 32 hex digits, or NULL if the argument was NULL. Example: md5('ABC') = '902fbdd2b1df0c4f70b4a5d23525e932'.
    • if(boolean testCondition, T valueTrue, T valueFalseOrNull)
      • Returns valueTrue when testCondition is true, returns valueFalseOrNull otherwise.
    • from_unixtime(bigint unixtime[, string pattern])
  6. Hive CLI

    • hive -i <filename>, Initialization SQL file
      • Running an initialization script before entering interactive mode
    • hive -f <filename>, SQL from files
      • Running a script non-interactively from local disk or from a Hadoop supported filesystem
    • hive -i <init_sql> -f <script_sql>
    • 传入参数variable
      • hive --hivevar queue=default
  7. StatsDev

  8. Beeline CLI

    • beeline -u <database_url>, The JDBC URL to connect to
    • beeline -i <file>, The init files for initialization
    • beeline --outputformat=csv2
      • --outputformat=[table/vertical/csv/tsv/dsv/csv2/tsv2]
      • Format mode for result display. Default is table.
    • --silent=[true/false]
      • Reduce the amount of informational messages displayed (true) or not (false).
      • grep -v '^$' <csv_file> 删掉空行
  9. 时区问题

  10. Hive Configuration Properties


File System (FS) CLI


  1. Human-readable file size: hadoop fs -du -h <path>
  2. Changes the replication factor of a file: hadoop fs -setrep -w <numReplicas> <path>

Yarn CLI


  1. Application application or app
    • Get application ID: yarn app -list -appStates FINISHED | grep 'chenlu'
    • yarn app -list -appStates FAILED | grep 'chenlu'
    • Application ID: application_xxx
  2. View application status (start time, finish time)
    • yarn app -status <app_id>
  3. List application attempts
    • View container ID: yarn applicationattempt -list <app_id>
  4. Dump container log
    • yarn logs -applicationId <app_id> | less
    • yarn logs -containerId <container_id> | less
  5. Kill an application
    • yarn app -kill <app_id>
